There are 2 outstanding orders. 1 of these are ready to cut.

We usually handle about 8 to 12 orders per week.

This includes 2 masters, and 0 Dub plates.
This chart shows all projects received since 08/16/24 to 12/13/24. The projects are in record number order. If you didn't specify a record number, look for NO NUM followed by your zip code. Send us a message with the record number ASAP.

If you specified a reference lacquer, check the mastered column for status dates. REF stands for reference was cut and sent to customer, APP stands for approval from customer received.

If you ordered only a reference lacquer, please see the Recent Dub Plates page.

The Shipped date is when Aardvark sends the master lacquers onto the plating plant. With the current plating backlog, it may take one to three weeks for the plates to arrive at your pressing plant. If your plates have not arrived in a timely fashion, Send us a message or call, and I'll get them traced.

Status of Recent Projects

Record Number




Tape Returned

006 10/11/24 10/25/24 10/26/24
12-TMPP-1312-1 (CVR2409-003) 10/28/24 11/01/24 11/02/24
442777 10/23/24 10/25/24 10/26/24
BANC-002 (CVR2408-001) 09/16/24 09/17/24 09/18/24
BHPR 0003 09/16/24 10/03/24 10/05/24
BHPR 0006 09/16/24 10/02/24 10/05/24
BHPR 0007 09/16/24 10/03/24 10/05/24
BI002 11/27/24 11/29/24 11/30/24
BIENV006-B RE-2 09/17/24 09/23/24 09/28/24

Record Number




Tape Returned

BT-170 09/12/24 10/04/24 10/05/24
BT-171 09/27/24 10/04/24 10/05/24
BT-171 RE-1 12/13/24
BWE01 (CVR2410-002) 10/28/24 10/31/24 11/02/24
CAT 1602 11/14/24 11/15/24 11/16/24
CBN002-A RE-2 09/20/24 09/23/24 09/28/24
COR-001-A (rev-002) 10/23/24 10/28/24 10/30/24
DD001-A RE-1 (10-106813-AD) 09/11/24 09/24/24 09/25/24
DD001-A RE-2 (10-106813-AD) 10/28/24 11/05/24 11/06/24
EA047 09/23/24 10/05/24 10/05/24

Record Number




Tape Returned

Ebullition #62 09/03/24 10/03/24 10/08/24
FCR008 (CVR2409-004) 11/27/24 11/28/24 11/30/24
GP007 12/12/24 12/13/24 12/14/24
ITS ALIVE RECORDS #500 09/22/24 09/26/24 09/28/24
KFB124 10/15/24 10/18/24 10/19/24
KFB125 10/15/24 10/18/24 10/19/24
KFB6084 10/15/24 10/17/24 10/19/24
KFB6085 10/15/24 10/18/24 10/19/24
KFB6086 10/30/24 11/01/24 11/02/24
LARAMA005 RE-1 09/20/24 09/23/24 09/28/24

Record Number




Tape Returned

LL140 11/18/24 11/22/24 11/23/24
MAS-049 07/20/24 11/07/24 11/08/24
MAS-050 09/16/24 11/07/24 11/08/24
METTLE STUDIOS 237 11/30/24 12/01/24 12/02/24
PB200V RE-3 09/20/24 09/20/24 09/28/24
PP202301 (CVR2405-004) 09/16/24 09/17/24 09/18/24
PPM106 09/17/24 09/25/24 09/28/24
RR-081 11/16/24 11/29/24 11/30/24
RR-083 09/13/24 09/26/24 09/28/24
sd6666 10/22/24 10/25/24 10/26/24

Record Number




Tape Returned

sd6741 RE-1 10/01/24 10/11/24 10/12/24
sd6767 11/27/24 11/29/24 11/30/24
sd6780 09/17/24 09/25/24 09/28/24
SD6792 11/20/24 11/22/24 11/23/24
sd6808 10/11/24 10/11/24 10/12/24
sd6809 10/28/24 10/30/24 11/02/24
sd6820 10/28/24 10/30/24 11/02/24
sd6825 11/05/24 11/07/24 11/08/24
SLN-263 10/31/24 11/05/24 11/08/24
SM87 10/01/24 10/17/24 10/19/24

Record Number




Tape Returned

T/E XMAS24 11/07/24 11/27/24 11/30/24
TKD9002 10/16/24
ZREID01 (CVR2410-001) 10/28/24 10/31/24 11/02/24

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